Identification and Extraction of Daluang Manuscript Paper Materials: Philological Studies in Jember Regency

Manuscript, Extraction of Daluang, Philological Studies, JemberAbstract
This research is motivated by the richness of Indonesian culture varies, one of which is the richness of written script culture in Indonesia. The ancestors of the Indonesian people have used daluang bark as a substitute for paper. However, at this time the development of daluang is increasingly concerning. Even today daluang trees are increasingly difficult to find, therefore daluang popularization is important to do. In Jember regency there is an Islamic boarding school that inventories Daluang manuscripts as the inheritance of manuscript owners. The focus of this research is to determine the results of the identification of manuscript materials in Jember Regency and to find out the condition of Deluang manuscripts in Jember Regency. This study used philological research methods with a codicology approach. The results of this study contain the findings and identification of manuscript materials in Jember Regency, the condition of ancient manuscript findings that are far from good, and the extraction process of Daluang paper materials which have various processes in them.
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