Intercultural Communication Between Ethnic Papuan and Ethnic Sundanese Students at Bogor University

Intercultural Communication, Ethnic Differences, Cultural AdaptationAbstract
Communication problems in the environment of students who have cultural differences often cause misconceptions and miscommunication so that they are prone to conflict. The purpose of this study is to identify intercultural communication in Papuan students and Sundanese students on the Bogor campus. This research method uses a qualitative approach with a case study design. The data collection techniques used are in-depth interviews, observation, and documentation. qualitative data analysis using four stages: Data Collection, Data Reduction, Data Display, and Conclusion Drawing/Verification. This study shows that communication that occurs in Papuan students and Sundanese students on the Bogor campus occurs well by prioritizing aspects of mutual tolerance and understanding of each other. A very basic problem for Papuan students is only limited to understanding language and humor that may have different characteristics, as well as understanding the culture of communication in academic terms which still needs a good adaptation process so that learning at the campus can be carried out optimally. As for Sundanese students, hanging out and learning together with Papuan students is an interesting experience to get to know eastern culture better, understand their characteristics, and be able to exchange information effectively about academic and non-academic matters.
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