Geography Learning: How to Know the Students Spatial Thinking Ability?


  •   Muhammad Robith Farkhan  Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia,  Indonesia
  •   Hafiziani Eka Putri  Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia,  Indonesia
  •   Maxwell Amponsah  Land Use and Spatial Planning Authority,  Ghana



Geography Learning, Spatial Thinking, Students Spatial Ability


This research aims to develop an instrument for students' spatial thinking abilities in geography learning. This research uses the ADDIE Research and Development model method. The research subjects were 24 students of class XII IPS 2 at SMA Negeri 1 Kandanghaur, Indonesia. The instrument used is a multiples choice test consisting of six closed questions related to material on rural and urban spatial interactions in geography learning. The indicators developed in preparing the questions are related to spatial thinking skills, namely village and city spatial patterns linked to local regional space, case studies in one's own region, and forms of implementation of spatial interactions. The various questions are prepared first and then expert judgment is carried out. The next step is to test validity, reliability, difficulty index and distinguishing power index. Validity test analysis shows that the six items in the instrument are valid and the reliability of the test instrument is categorized as sufficient. Meanwhile, the level of difficulty is categorized as easy and medium, and the ability to differentiate the questions is included in the good criteria. Thus, the six question items developed can be applied as instruments to measure spatial thinking abilities.


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How to Cite

Farkhan, M. R., Putri, H. E., & Amponsah, M. (2024). Geography Learning: How to Know the Students Spatial Thinking Ability?. Heritage, 5(1), 26–39.