Implementation of The PBL Model to Develop Critical Thinking Skills in Learning at SMA Negeri 1 Cililin
Model Problem Based Learning, Critical Thinking, Economic LearningAbstract
This research is motivated by the findings of problems in economics learning including: in economics learning students are passive; lack of critical thinking activity and creativity; teacher-centered learning (teacher centered); The learning model used by teachers tends to be monotonous. This research aims to determine the implementation of the model problem based learning to develop students' critical thinking skills in economics learning. The research method is a case study with a qualitative approach, data is collected through interviews, observation and documentation of the implementation of learning to develop critical thinking skills. The results of the research show that planning economic learning using models problem based learning to develop highly structured and systematic critical thinking skills. Implementation of economic learning with models problem based learning Overall, it has succeeded in creating a learning environment that supports the development of students' critical and analytical thinking skills. Assessment of economic learning with models problem based learning has been designed and implemented well, so that students' critical thinking, problem solving and collaboration skills develop optimally. Supporting factors for learning economics with models problem based learning really supports the development of students' critical thinking skills. Factors inhibiting economic learning with models problem based learning developing critical thinking skills is a very serious challenge. Efforts to overcome barriers to economic learning with models problem based learning can develop students' critical thinking skills effectively.
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