An Environmentally Friendly Economy Based on Ibn Arabi's Philosophy of Sufism in Pesantren

A Theoretical Study


  •   Afif Ahmad  UIN Kiai Haji Achmad Siddiq Jember,  Indonesia



Environmentally Friendly Economy, Ibn Arabi, Philosophy of Sufism, Pesantren


The study explores the application of Tasawuf and Ibn Arabi philosophy concepts in training to promote an environmentally friendly economy. The background of this research is the importance of integrating spiritual values in tackling the problems of globalization. The goal of this study is to look into how tasawuf philosophy ideas like Wahdat al-Wujud (Unity of Being), Tawhid (Belief in the Essence of God), Trust (Leadership), Zuhud (Inner Fulfillment), Hubb (Love), and Tafakkur (Rejuvenation) can be used in preschool education to help protect the environment. We used primary and secondary literature to examine Ibn Arabi's teachings and their connection to environmentally friendly actions. The results demonstrate the incorporation of the principles of the philosophical tasawuf into the curriculum and daily training practices through ecological education, simple lifestyles, green leadership, and nature contemplation. The discussion suggests that education based on the philosophical tasawuf can form a deep ecological awareness in the centers, making them agents of change capable of applying environmentally friendly economic principles. This research concludes that the concept of tasawuf and the philosopher Ibn Arabi have great potential to help build an environmentally friendly economy in practice. A post-training education that integrates the principles of tasawuf can produce a generation that is not only spiritually worthy but also environmentally responsible, thereby promoting sustainable development that aligns with environmental sustainability principles.


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How to Cite

Ahmad, A. (2024). An Environmentally Friendly Economy Based on Ibn Arabi’s Philosophy of Sufism in Pesantren: A Theoretical Study. Heritage, 5(1), 40–50.