Development of a Cognitive Diagnostic Assessment Module for Social Science Subjects for Junior High Schools
Development, Modules, Diagnostic Assessment, CognitiveAbstract
This study aims to explain the process of developing a periodic diagnostic assessment instrument for social studies subjects at junior high school and precisely to determine the effectiveness of using the product. Periodic diagnostic assessments lead to early diagnosis of the condition of students in a particular learning topic, intending to create a learning process based on the needs and abilities of each student ( teaching at the right level ). The method used is Research and Development (R&D) from Borg&Gall which consists of 1) needs analysis, (2) product planning, (3) product development, (4) expert validation, (5) individual test, (6) revision, (7) small group trial, (8) revision and (9) final product and report. The data obtained were analyzed using percentages (%), and the basis for decision-making for the product revision process was obtained from the results of the questionnaire analysis of the validation experts. The diagnostic assessment instrument was developed in the form of a module. The validation results of material, design, and language experts showed 87.18%, 87.50%, and 89.33%. The developed module is valid and can be tested in the field. The results of the limited trial showed a percentage of 83.33% (from teachers) and 92.00% (from students). Large-scale test results show an average rate of 90% (from teachers) and 82.01% (from students). The results of product trials at the individual trial and field trial stages show that the module is very valid so that the product can be used. The responses from students and teachers indicate that using the diagnostic assessment module can support the effectiveness of social studies learning.
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